If you want to know how to use the helpdesk, see the User Guide. If you want to know how to administer the data, see the Administrator Guide.
Both parts are available for free download from the project web-site, which is at http://sourceforge.net/projects/f2w. The database back-ends are named like "f2w-psql-version.tgz" and the zope front-ends are named like "f2w-version.zexp.gz". In general the latest front-end needs the latest database schema, although the release notes may indicate what needs to be done to patch an existing database to the new version.
These installation instructions are for version 1.5, as of September 2003.
So far only Oracle and MS SQL are even nearly supported as an alternative to PostgreSQL - but not by me, as I have access to neither.
If you are installing on a Debian GNU/Linux system, note that f2w helpdesk is developed on the latest .deb in the "testing" distribution.
As the postgres user, create a user called "f2w" and an empty f2w database owned by user "f2w" thus:
$ createuser -P -d f2w # NB: should prompt you for f2w user's password - I use "f2w"! $ createdb -U f2w f2w
psql: FATAL: IDENT authentication failed for user "f2w"
The next step is to create the tables, indexes, sequences and initial data for the database. Unpack the "f2w-psql-version.tgz" file. It unzips as a directory called "f2w" containing various SQL files.
To apply the SQL definitions to your new empty f2w database (as user f2w) do this:
$ cat *.sql | psql -U f2w f2w
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the f2w database schema, apply all the schema patches from the version you have up to the current version. These patches are just single SQL files, also available for download in the same place. They are named like "f2w-patch-version.sql".
If you want to use Oracle, then you don't need the "functions.sql" file, but you need the "z_initial.oracle" instead of "z_initial.sql" file (to work around a problem with empty strings being treated the same as NULLs). You may also need to fiddle with the SQL syntax a little to make it work.
Until you are confident of getting Zope and another webserver to play nicely with each other, you might want Zope configured as a stand-alone webserver.
You also need Zope's ZPsycoPgDA product. This is available from the Zope.org website. Actually, you could use another Zope Database Adapter for PostgreSQL, but you may have to do a little extra work to get the helpdesk up and running. I used to use ZPoPyDA but there were problems once getting it to work with Zope 2.4.x. It's probably fine by now.
Once you get Zope running, you install the f2w helpdesk by un-gzipping the f2w-version.zexp.gz file into Zope's "import" directory. From the Zope management screens, import the file into the root folder (or wherever else you want it to live).
Note that by default, you will become the owner of the objects that you are importing. If you wish the imported objects to retain their existing ownership information, select "retain existing ownership information".
Note: You DO want to take ownership of the imported objects, otherwise they will still belong to me, and they won't work properly. Sort of like getting your software from Microsoft, really :-)
It will create a folder called (for example) "f2w-1.5". You can re-name this to "f2w" or "helpdesk" or whatever, to keep your URLs tidy. I will just call the folder "f2w" in this document.
I have added 2 extra roles "Admin" and "User". Anyone who will be operating the helpdesk e.g. taking calls and adding or annotating requests is a "User". Anyone who will be administering the data (e.g. creating new request categories or contacts etc) must have the "Admin" role. You can add extra "User" users from within f2w, but not "Admin" users, which have to be created through Zope's management screens.
If you click on f2w_db, you should see something like this:
The database connection is open.
The "en" folder contains English-language strings used to generate some of the pages. If it is
imported at the same level as the "f2w" folder, and the f2w helpdesk is accessed using a URL like
, these strings are available to the application and
are used in preference to the defaults.
If you prefer a helpdesk request to be called a "Ticket", then change the property called "LLreq" on the "en" folder from "Request" to "Ticket", and include "en" on the URL as above.
Suppose you want an Esperanto version of the helpdesk. Copy the "en" folder as "eo" and translate
all the properties and folder contents. Use http://yourserver/eo/f2w
to access
the helpdesk and Voila! (or, I suppose, Vidu!) - it's in Esperanto.
One good thing about this is that you can have multiple translations. You control which one you see by including it in the URL. If translations for any strings are missing, they are rendered as the default English version. I'm not sure if a multiple-language helpdesk is useful, but you can do it. Maybe it would go down well in Canada.
You can currently get translations in Hungarian and German. I'd like to attempt Catalan or Danish, but I would not do it well: if you love either of these languages, the best way to save them from me is to do a translation yourself!
The substitution of translated strings is implemented using Zope's acquisition rules and "missing=" option of the DTML-VAR tag. For example:
I have mine set up thus:
To back up Zope, you only need to back up the Data.fs
file where
the Zope Object DB lives. I do this by copying it weekly
to /var/backups/zope/Data.fs
and letting logrotate
a few historical snapshots of it.
To back up PostgreSQL databases, you use the pg_dump
I back up the live f2w database daily as /var/backups/postgres/f2w.psql
, and again let logrotate
look after it.
I also drop and re-create my test database f2w-test
each time,
and re-load it from the live backup.
Of course, you probably want to make physical backups too, on tape or CD, but how you do that is up to you.
The relevant section of my /etc/crontab
looks like this:
# f2w database backup (note Zope needs shut down first to release f2w-test) # on fridays, back up the ZODB while I'm at it. See logrotate.conf too. 50 2 * * 2-6 root /etc/init.d/zope stop 00 3 * * 2-6 postgres /usr/local/sbin/f2w-backup 05 3 * * 5 root /bin/cp /var/lib/zope/var/Data.fs /var/backups/zope 10 3 * * 2-6 root /etc/init.d/zope startThe script
looks like this:
echo -n "Beginning " ; date /usr/lib/postgresql/bin/vacuumdb -z f2w pg_dump f2w > /var/backups/postgres/f2w.psql dropdb f2w-test createdb -U f2w f2w-test psql -U f2w -d f2w-test < /var/backups/postgres/f2w.psql echo -n "Ended " ; dateIn order to drop the
DB, it has to have no open
connections, which is mostly why I stop Zope for a few minutes while I
do the backup.
My settings in /etc/logrotate.conf
are as follows:
/var/backups/postgres/f2w.psql { daily nocreate compress delaycompress rotate 7 missingok } /var/backups/zope/Data.fs { weekly nocreate compress delaycompress rotate 4 missingok }